
Showing posts from October, 2021


 Today in class we analyzed a source and determined whether or not it was appropriate from the prompt. I said it wasn't because it didn't give the writer enough information. We uploaded and talked about our sources for a while and that was about it.


 Today i didn't go to school because i had court. My court date was at 11:30 am but by the time it was over it was too late to come to school. I stayed home did some of my drivers class and went to sleep. I also had Chipotle and it was so good.


 Today i didn't go to school i had a migraine. I went to the doctor and they gave me two shots to help with the pain. I also went to the emergency room with my grandpa because he wasn't feeling well. I slept over at my friends house who lives in the area of the hospital because it took the hospital forever to get him in.

Informational Post

 We read an article about the pacific crest trail. It was about scientists going on a thru hike to do PhD research.


 Today ROTC students weren't at school. We went downtown to the college football hall of fame and to the CNN center to eat. We were supposed to get back around 2:30 but ended up getting back at 4. Our bus driver ran into a pole and we had to wait on the police.


 Today in class we got into our groups. In our groups we came up with our 10 sources each. We're going to submit them and then go over all of our later and pick 7.


 Today we went over a power point that had terms that we had to go over for the book. We debated briefly on sexuality. We took a survey on a couple questions and took notes. Overall class went by pretty fast with us doing that. I feel like i really understood the notes already.


 Today i didn't go to school because i had a headache caused by an ear infection trying to start. Since i'm prone to those i had some medicine. I didn't do anything really except for sleeping and watching Netflix. I started a new show and made sure to get my mom to sign my permission slip for the field trip on Thursday.


 Today we read the prologue of the book "wild". I feel that this book will be very entertaining and we will be able to comprehend easily to the things that the author talks about. We are assigned to read the first chapter by the end of the weekend for homework. Today was a smooth day in class


 Today we finished the benchmark and i left early to go sign the title over from my old car. I got sushi and it was soooo good. My day was good.


 Today in class we started working on our benchmark. That was the whole class due to our weird schedule for psats.


 Today i wasn't able to go to school. I had a headache and it was unbearable. I slept and ate my favorite... CHIPOTLE!


 Today i slept in. My best friend is coming over to spend break with me and help me look for a car. We're gonna stay out and go to a football game.


 Today we didn't have school and i slept in. After i got up and got ready i went car shopping and stayed out and hung with friends this day.

Makeup Prompts

  Prompt 1 : Long Apology. I’m sorry mom. I’m sorry that I'm not the daughter you deserve. You are a great mother and I don’t deserve you. I choose to be disrespectful and not listen, and you don't deserve that. All you have ever done is be there for me, support me, and be patient with me. You deserve so much more in this world , and I promise that I will try my hardest to be worthy of you and your love. Prompt 2: Something I don't really remember. My childhood is a blur. It is a blur full of early heartbreak and crying. I remember my dad leaving but i can’t ever remember the reason he gave me. Early on I had trust issues and anger built up , but never knew why. It was him. He was the anger and depression that I have felt all these years. I can’t even remember a good or happy time in my childhood without him. The old him is what I can't remember. I can’t remember being loved by him. Prompt 3: Something that never gets better. I will never get better. My anger,my m


 Today we were introduced to the book "wild". We talked about hiking and the different types. We also made our own lists of what we thought would be best for us to take with us and we should start reading tuesday.


 Today i didnt go to school. I went to court and car shopping. Car shopping isnt as fun as most people would think. It was stressful and time consuming. I went to plenty of dealerships and still will have to go online since everything is online now.


 Today we went around the class and did a group activity. We all had subjects and everyone went around and put what we knew about that on the poster. It was overall an easy class.

